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Deposits Loans Others

MuCoBa serves Mufindi District and beyond

MuCoBa develops adapted services for all. There are loans meant for businessmen, employees and farmers. Farmers can get loans with adapted repayment calendars according to the nature of their crops.

While most financial services concentrate on urban areas, MuCoBa serves also remote rural places. In order to overcome challenges of providing microfinance services in rural areas, MuCoBa values efficiency in the provision of services.

MuCoBa innovates and improves its products

Being active in the Mufindi district, MuCoBa is the first to notice the needs of clients. MuCoBa’s loan officers visit regularly the solidarity group meetings held in the villages. They get feed-back and listen to questions and demands of the local population. That’s why MuCoBa offers loans with a grace period adapted to the farmers' seasons.

Quality services for clients is priority n° one of MuCoBa

Frequent savings transactions in small amounts are possible. All forms and requirements are as easy as possible. The staff is oriented towards assisting the clients.